Monday, September 26, 2016

6 Types Of Lions That Are Still Alive In The World

Do you know the kinds of lions surviving in the world? The lion is one of the big cats who got the nickname as the king of the jungle. This is because the lion has a very unusual strength and also includes a system occupies the top of the food pyramid.
Here there are 6 types of lions that exist in the world today:

1. Lion of Persia
The lion is commonly referred to as the Asian lion or lion India. At this time live 400 types Persian lion lions. It is because of this lion moves during the day, so it is more easily hunted.

2. West African lion
This type of lion stretches from Senegal to West Africa to Central Africa.

3. Lion Masai
This lion is also still on the plains of Africa. This lion is also often referred to as the Lion Tzavo. Tzavo lions inhabit from the east African region, namely countries of Ethiopia and Kenya and even Tanzania and Mozambique.

4. Lions Kalanga
Lions of this type are found in Africa and part of the southwest in Namibia, Botswana, Angola, the democratic republic of Congo, Zambia, and zimbabwe. This lion is also often referred to as the African lions Southwestern.

5. Transvaal Lion
May you are listen the Kruger National Park. Yes, this lion is one of its inhabitants. A lion can you meet in the Transvaal, South East Africa.

6. The Barbary lion
For this lion you will not find in the wild, even the lion is rumored to have been extinct. But at the zoo in Morocco has 90 lions, who have the same characteristics as this Barbary lion.

Similarly, six types of lions that are still alive on earth. Let us always to loved animals so that we can live in harmony and harmonious with nature

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